Thursday, January 28, 2010

George Orwell couldn't have thought this up...

As Margaret Hamilton is famous for saying, "Oh, what a world... what a world!"
My friend Deacon Richard Hudzik made me aware of curricular guidelines drafted by North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction strongly encouraging students to view pro-life legislation as an example of “oppressive government” akin to laws that permitted segregated public schools and allowed for the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War II. (story here)
I can't help but opine that, given a choice, babies might prefer internment or "separate but equal" facilities over death. Are educators in North Carolina equally concerned by the oppressive government when it comes to laws against possession, use and distribution of narcotics; or laws labeling as "child abuse" what some parents view simply as discipline?
Oh!, what a world!

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