Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hyundai pulls ad

In response to objections voiced by Catholics, Hyundai has reportedly pulled the "Wedding" commercial which I was not alone in finding offensive. While I applaud their quick response, I am still amazed no one in their marketing department or advertising agency had the awareness to foresee the problem.
Perhaps that is why Sam Gustin, in his report on this in Daily Finance, presents the speculation that the marketing plan might have been to elicit outrage in order to ensure "viral value" for the internet video of the commercial. (story here)

Monday, June 14, 2010

This well sell a lot of Hyundais... but not to me.

Hyundai apologists will certainly say that they are not mocking Catholic liturgy, merely using this to demonstrate the rabid loyalty of their customers. However, I believe that they are complicit in using the mockery of others in an attempt to sell vehicles.

Maybe this is part of a series of commercials and the next one shows a muezzin calling people to prayer from a minaret and then chanting in Arabic, "There is no God but God, and soccer is his game!" while people face Mecca and prostrate themselves.
But somehow I think that is not the case.