Friday, November 13, 2009

A game of chicken?

Legislators in Washington D.C. appear to be on a collision course with the Archdiocese of Washington whose Catholic Charities arm partners with the city to provide services to about 68,000 people. Officials of the Archdiocese are concerned that if lawmakers adopt a proposal to allow same sex "marriages" the Church might be forced to provide benefits to same sex couples and thereby recognize those unions.

The marriage legislation is expected to pass next month and has the mayor's support.

Jane G. Belford, the chancellor of the Washington archdiocese, wrote Councilman Phil Mendelson on Wednesday asking for an exemption to protect the church's religious freedoms. The church wants to be exempt from any measure that would require it to extend benefits to same-sex couples or allow gays and lesbians to adopt children.

The Councilman considers such an exemption to be a dangerous precedent. "Allowing individual exemptions opens the door for anyone to discriminate based on assertions of religious principle," Mendelson said.

Once more the tension arises between the church being in the world but not of the world.

1 comment:

  1. If you were to ask me (which no one ever does... probably for good reasons), I would like to see all of the U.S. Catholic Bishops have the courage to renounce any/all "tax exempt" status that the Catholic Church (including all of its related groups, like schools and hospitals) has at the federal, state and local levels as well as to refuse any/all governmental funding.
