Monday, August 24, 2009

Report: Science can't explain Guadalupe

Zenit reports on a presentation made at the International Marian Conference in Phoenix in which Adolfo Orozco, a physicist who for years has studied the tilma bearing the image of the Blessed Virgin, affirmed that there is no scientific explanation for the image.
Another presentation was made by an engineer who studied the eyes of the image on the tilma using digital imagery and discovered 13 figures in the cornea of the image corresponding to the persons who were present when Juan Diego presented his tilma to Bishop Juan Zumarraga in 1531. The report is fascinating.


  1. All this scientific inquiry makes me dizzy. No matter what science or the Church says, there will always be some who believe in miracles, and some who will not. If the image on the tilma is truly bringing souls to Jesus (through Mary), then no doubt something heavenly is working here.

    God bless!

  2. "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible."
