In the midst of these efforts and as I have been personally reflecting on what it means to value life, it was particularly distressing to read of the story from China of the two-year old who was run over twice by a van and left lying as 18 people went by and ignored her. The video of this incident has caused international outrage, but I can't help but wonder why when we so blithely ignore so many who are victims of apathy in society and the world. The major difference between this two-year old and the untold thousands who are aborted is simply a matter of a little bit of time.
If we show no regard for the unborn, it it any surprise we show little regard for humans of any age?
On the positive side, it was good to see that other inhabitants of this world apparently have a greater respect for life as indicated by this story of a dog which risked its own life to come to the aid of another dog which has been struck while crossing a busy expressway. (video here)
Maybe this dog will teach us how to be a little more human.