Last week for the first time in my memory, the Catholic Bishops of the United States stood up to be counted and effectively mobilized millions of Catholics to demand that the healthcare reform proposal include safeguards against public funding for the murder of the unborn.
I'm tired of using euphemisms such as "termination of unplanned pregnancies" or even "abortion", and I absolutely refuse to refer to these barbaric practices as part of "reproductive health care". Abortion is no more about health care than the showers at Birkenau were about hygiene.
Under pressure from the bishops and much of the Catholic electorate, legislators included the Stupak amendment at the last minute. For once the bishops effectively exercised their moral authority and had an impact on pending legislation. So now I am not surprised to hear the cry of "UNFAIR!" arise from many quarters -- particularly from those who formerly had been successful in forwarding their private agendas.
I am amazed however at the extent of the duplicity among these organizations. Those who loudly denounce the actions of the bishops as a violation of church and state fail to comment on religious organizations such as; the Rabbinical Assembly, Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, Episcopal Church, Society for Humanistic Judaism, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, Union for Reform Judaism, Central Conference of American Rabbis, North American Federation of Temple Youth, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Unitarian Universalist, Presbyterian Church (USA), Women of Reform Judaism, Society for Humanistic Judaism, Church of the Brethren Women’s Caucus, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, Lutheran Women’s Caucus, Christian Lesbians Out, YWCA, all of which support abortion coverage in the health care bill.
The loudest voices seem to be those such as Planned Parenthood, for whom the slaughter of innocents represents a major source of profit.
The battle is far from over. Indeed, I believe we are merely celebrating the the battle has finally been engaged.